Temperature between 22c - 28c Humidity 60-70%
The color of this mantis is usually green/blue, but also variations from medium green to deep blue. The beige individuals can even seem a bit pinkish/orange.
Hierodula species Papua is one of the largest mantis species that is successfully kept in captivity.Adult females are about 9-12cm
Males are about 8-9 cm, a bit smaller.
The males are also more slender and lighter than the females.
The wings of a male extend to just past the abdomen. The adult females are bigger and bulkier than the males, with wings that extend just to the abdomen.
This mantis will need a 20x20x30cm enclosure as adult, at least. Larger the better as always.
Helpful guides and information
Hierodula Papua - Blue Asian Mantis
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